Back to Basic – Lesson 2 by Brother John Henry

Basics – Lesson 2

This lesson is a continuation of our lesson on “Back to Basic”

Each day brings us closer to the coming of our Lord to catch away His Bride. He is serious about getting His people ready for this special day.  

I am going to express my thoughts on the pandemic before I proceed to the topic of this lesson.

This pandemic, in my opinion, is just a prelude of what is to come. It behooves us to start preparing to meet the Lord like never before if we are to escape.

The last five months have been rough for all of us, but only God knew what it would take to prepare us to get ready. What I mean by getting ready is what the Bible speaks of “Getting your House in order”. If getting “your houses in order” is confusing, think of it as expecting someone special, coming to visit. You make every effort to make sure your house is presentable.

If we look back before this pandemic, December 2019, we were looking for the beginning of a new decade and a great New Year. To our surprise, thus far, has been nothing close to what we thought. That should tell us that we are not in control of our lives. Our destiny is in His hands.

Out of nowhere, we found ourselves in the middle of the unexpected and unimaginable. The United States of America, one of the greatest countries in the world, was caught off guard by one of the worst pandemics ever recorded or witnessed. We are not sure if this was because of modern technology broadcasting via the media, or the Virus was as bad as we were told.

At this point, it does not matter, what has happened has happened, and we cannot reverse it. The damage has been done and we should learn the lesson we were taught and thank God for it. We have to go on living but have to make changes from what we used to call “normal” before January 1, 2020.

Let us reflect on how quickly we had to make changes to our lifestyles. One day everything was “normal” as we saw it. The next day we found ourselves doing things we were not familiar with. Workplaces were asking people not to come to work, which meant no income to pay bills or buy food. Travel to and fro was at a minimum for a while then came to a complete stop unless it was an absolute necessity. We had lived our lives so caught up in formalities, that we were forgetting what was most important in our lives.

We could not gather together as a corporate entity worshiping and praising our Lord as before. Pastors and Laypeople had to convert to alternative ways to make sure their flocks were fed spiritually, but thank God, He knew what had to be done and He provided that need.

The great commission our Lord instructed us to do came to a screeching halt, but yet provided a way to make sure His people were fed the Word of God through technology. We must thank our God for technology which was used to compensate, and by His help was able to be put in place quickly.

The point I am making here, God is in control of all Things and all Peoples. Some will argue that fact, but He is and will always be in control. If we are not convinced in this life we will most certainly be in the life to come.

I made a promise I would not make these lessons very long. If the Lord permits I will return to the main topic explaining “Back to the Basics” in the next lesson.

If you would like a printed copy of this lesson or have any questions concerning the contents of this lesson, please email me at In the “subject” line address it to Discipleship Ministry.

I pray this prayer of blessing over you.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you

May the Lord Jesus Christ make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you

May the Lord Jesus Christ lift his countenance upon you and give you peace


Lighthouse Worship Center

Discipleship Ministry