Five Senses by Brother John Henry

Studying the Word of God: Our Mental Capacity:
On our Bodies are five areas by which we gather information, whereby we process this information and live by every day of our lives.  What are they?  Our five senses. Hearing from our ears, Eyes for seeing, The sense of smell through our noses, taste through our mouths, and touch through our hands; Our ears and eyes are the two main senses that work for us to form an opinion on what we hear and what we see. We all have a mental capacity of 100%, but scientists tell us we only use 10% of our mental capacity. If that is true, what,when and how do we use the other 90% of our mental capacity? Good question but only God knows the answer.

Let us just say we have a 10% conscious mind and a 90% unconscious mind. We study and learn the Word of God in our conscious mind.We learn all about the power and strength of our God and everything Jesus Christ did for us.  We know how to Praise and thank the LORD God for Jesus Christ, His Mercy, and Grace.

How do we handle our Thoughts and Feelings?  Where are our greatest Battles? Yes, our Minds.Which part of our mind is that?
Let us see where the Lord is leading us!   The unconscious mind. The majority of our ungodly thoughts come from our unconscious mind which we know is 90% of our mental thinking.

That is where our old man is found. Read Galatians 5 and Matthew 15:18;

Jesus Christ is the new man in us, which helps us to control what we Hear (ear), See (eye), Discern (Nose), Speak (Mouth and Tongue) and Worship (Hands). All of these senses control our, thoughts, feelings, deeds, and our wills

How do we get into trouble?  Our Counselors – our own thoughts lead us down many paths and ungodly thoughts like to take control and become, our counselors;

When everything is going well in our lives our counselors are at peace and we enjoy the pleasures of life, we needto remember to give thanks and praise to the LORD like saying Thank you, Jesus, and praise you, Jesus!

After the pleasure is gone, our unconscious takes over.  We forget what we know and learned in our conscious realm. Our ungodly mind takes over and we imagine all kinds of things. Where is God? Why did He let this happen to me? This is our pride thinking we do not deserve what we are experiencing. Jesus wants to take this from us!

That is why He is inside of us to give us so much of Himself, in our Conscious mind that we will know the ungodly thoughts from His thoughts. Scripture says to “Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 2:5.

There are many scriptures we can go to prove this point but I will only use two:.

Moses and the Israelites leaving Egypt and  Job; What happened? Their ungodly thoughts took over and lead them astray.Going back to our five senses; When we hear something, let our eyes be open to understanding what it may be according to what the Word of God is saying, before we make any type of judgmental opinion.We can discern if it is good or bad by using what we know in our conscious min, .Let us not speak our opinion until we know for sure if we will speak according to the Word of God. Remember…;

Thoughts     Feelings     Deeds     Wills